Olympic swimming pool "Centar"

According to numerous medical researches swimming is the best sport you can practice. It relaxes the brain, it strengthens your heart muscle and also tones the other muscles.

So start today!

Вода и квалитет на вода во Олимписки базен "Центар"

The water is the most important element in all water sports, especially swimming. Because of that we have several reasons to show that we care about our water quality:

The water is completely tested for chemical and bacteriological components and quality by the Public Health Center because the water has to be inspected for its components.

-Public Health Center logo

The temperature is set according to the Olympic norms with temperature of 26 degrees Celsius.

The control of filtration is from the control room and it is measured with most sofisticated equipment, and we are the only pool in the country with 24/7 water filtration. Olympic swimming pool "Centar" also uses "green" cleaners with no toxic materials in them.

-Control stations

The filtration is 24/7 completely electronically and The cleaning of the pool floors is with robots specialized for cleaning swimming pool floors.

-Floor cleaning

Result of this process is crystal clear water in which you can swim and sport.

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